Protect from Covid: Canada invests in tackling the pandemic
Safeguarding communities from Coronavirus: Canada invests funds in Iraq to tackle the growing pandemic
In conjunction with the United Nations Development Program in Iraq, the Canadian Government has donated US$1.85 million (CAD 2.5 million) to assist the Iraqi Government in facilitating a fast-tracked response to the Coronavirus pandemic. The funds will be channeled toward two very important areas; $1.85 million will help UNDP in Iraq’s quick reaction to the Coronavirus, which will assist 12 provinces, in expanding the screening amplitude of the laboratories, and also equipping the frontline workers with protective gears and equipment; setting up of more isolation wards, and employing various evaluative techniques to initiate post Coronavirus recuperation procedures.

A supplementary $75,000 is intended for equipping the local police recruited in Iraqi’s Coronavirus response team with protective gadgets and equipment inclusive of hand sanitizers, nose masks, and gloves; especially focusing on officials in Baghdad, which has been the worst hit by Coronavirus; the province is reported to have the highest number of cases in the country.
According to Zena Ali Ahmad, the UNDP Iraq’s Resident Representative, Iraq has been faced with the difficulties posed by the appearance of the Coronavirus around the globe whilst still staggering from the cataclysmic reverberations of the ISIL dispute and is currently experiencing an economic downturn caused by an acute downswing in the price of oil. This munificent grant from Canada will corroborate the general safeguarding of the communities’ health automatically translating to easy access to quality and enhanced health service delivery and facilities, and safeguard those at the frontline helping the indigenous communities while at work.

The grants have been saved from current accords under UNDP, Iraq’s Financing Facility for balance, and the security sector rehabilitation and improvement and programs geared towards regulation and statutes. Canada, being one of UNDP Iraq’s fundamental associates has contributed roughly $27 million towards the two programs.
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