Freeze Dried Fruits
Freeze Dried Fruits
Fruits are an essential part of any diet due to the variety of vitamins and minerals found in them. Tasty and vital, fruits are great to include for any daily diet or emergency preparedness plan. However, many fruits can be seasonal, which can be difficult to include in your long-term food storage plans. At 72HOURS, we provide you with a diverse selection of freeze dried fruits to ensure that you can obtain the best source for vitamins and minerals to prepare for any emergency or disaster.
Diversified Selection of Fruits
Our selection of freeze dried fruits and dehydrated fruits are packaged for long-term storage. When disaster or emergencies strike, you want to ensure that you and your family have adequate access to nutritious food. Our freeze dried fruits and dehydrated fruits offer you an easy way to prepare for the worst by simply adding water to include them in any recipe or eat them right out of the packaging.
All food storage should be kept in a dark, cool, dry place, with an ideal temperature of 24.4°C (76°F) so that your food storage will last for its maximum shelf life of up to 25 years, and for up to 30 years on Mountain House products!

At 72HOURS, we offer an extensive selection of gourmet freeze dried foods aimed at providing nutritious meals for everyday outdoor trips or as part of your family’s survival kits. Thus, our selection of gourmet freeze dried foods from leading companies such as Mountain House and Wise Food Storage are aimed to improve your quality of life, especially during tough times such as in an emergency or an extended disaster situation. These gourmet meals are delicious and can provide essential nutrients during stressful times. At 72HOURS, you can rest assured that you will find quality emergency food and survival supplies at the best prices in the industry. So whether you are looking for freeze-dried food or emergency preparedness seeds, 72HOURS has it all.